We're a boutique digital marketing/PR, reputation, development & security agency with offices/personnel in LA, Houston & Manhattan. Nice to meet ya!
We've flourished for 12 years with a vastly diverse client array of global brands, 150+ films, C-suite executives, celebrities & politicians by working our digitalasses off to know more than our competition...We strive endlessly to be uniquely creative & client success driven for their success is our success. We are passionate about the race to be the 1st to provide methodologies that the competition adopts months to years after us and never, never, EVER, will we accept failure. With our collective senior staff's 50 years of digital including Search, Social, TV/Media Buying, Video, Mobile, Reputation Management, information Architecture, Security, IT, Hardware & Software development, Infuse Creative lives, breathes, and sweats obsession with achieving our client's goals.

Founder/CEO Gregory Markel and the Infuse Creative team are the Los Angeles Business Journal Award nominated digital agency founded in 2001 whose marketing methodologies have been written about by USA Today, Search Engine Land's Danny Sullivan, John Batelle (Author of "Search"), Andrew Goodman, Bobby Owsinski and others.
In search since 1994, known as "one of the pioneers of SEO," Gregory has provided SEO, search marketing, social media, mobile, TV advertising, reputation management, security, and digital marketing services to an extremely diverse range of clients including corporations, governments, politicians, celebrities, well known executives and others for the last 17 years including Sony, Universal, Roadside Attractions, Mazda, Disney, Gibson Musical Instruments, New Line Cinema, Warner Bros., TomCruise.com, Participant Media, Pacificare, The BBC, Ed Hardy, Led Zeppelin, Lord of the Rings, CBS, FOX, The National Geographic Channel, Transcendental Meditation, California Legislative Bureau, Realty Executives International, and many more. Gregory is a regular speaker on all things digital, most recently, at USC's Annenberg Program on Online Communities. Gregory and Infuse Creative were recently responsible for generating the #1 story on Huffington Post for 3 days for one of their esteemed clients.

In 2003, Gregory was founder/producer of "ESEMS", the very FIRST entertainment focused search engine marketing conference, and also launched www.SEMCARES.com, the SEM's industry's first SEM volunteer services site, conceived to connect volunteer/discount SEM providers and aid non-profits needing expert SEM help at zero or reduced cost to help non-profit marketing efforts and increase of donations through SEM methodology to non-profits and deserving organizations websites.
Speaker/Teaching Affiliations: SMX, The USC Annenberg School of Digital Communities, Business Rockstars Academy, SES, (Search Engine Strategies) International since 1999, Webmaster World Pubcon, CES, Digital Hollywood, DMA (Direct Marketing Association), OMMA, EcomExpo, ESEMS, The Producers Guild, The Government of the Netherlands, TieCON, The Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, Santa Ana and Long Beach College, and others.
Press/Publication Affiliations: Music 3.0, Investors Daily (regarding Google's 1 Billion stake in AOL), Search Engine Watch, SEMPO, Emarketer, SEO Today, SEO Chat, ReelSEO and many others. (Search "gregory markel" on Google for more.)
Media Speaker Affiliations: Fox Business, Business Rockstars on KFWB Radio, CalTech/MIT Enterprise Forum.